Your Not “Behind” in Life Your Going At Your Own Pace
I know sometimes it can feel like you’re not where you should be in life or when you reach a certain age you don’t feel like you’ve accomplished what you’re “supposed to achieve” at that age, believe me there are times I feel that way right now at age 20. But here I’m to tell you, that your journey isn’t going to be like everyone else’s and that’s ok. Your journey doesn’t have to be based around standards that society sets around your age. Your achievements will happen when they’re supposed to, even if it’s later in life. I’m going to tell you about my journey and where I’m at right now. As You may know I’m 20 years old and guess what? I don’t have my driver’s license or a car. I only have my permit.
Which I didn’t get until the age of 18 and I know that may cause eye rolls or cause jaw drops or even laughs and you might be thinking, “Seriously Candace, You Got Your Permit THAT LATE?!” or “Your 20 and you don’t have a license or a car?! What’s wrong with you?” But the truth is when I was around 15 and 16 the age where “Your Supposed To have Your Permit, License, and your own car”. I was afraid to drive. I was afraid of the road, afraid of the unknown, afraid of potentially getting into an accident but after getting older that fear turned into determination because I realized how important self-transportation is. Having that independence and not having to depend on anyone to get where I needed to go.
I want to take you back to my journey of getting my permit. I’m going to be completely honest with you, it wasn’t as easy as it may have been for others or even YOU who may be reading this right now and passed with flying colors. It took me about 5 times to pass the written test. I would study and then take the test and just blank out and get the answers wrong and fail it immediately. I feel like the reason I didn’t pass the first, second, or even the third time was that I feel like it wasn’t my time yet.
I feel like constantly failing was a lesson for me to learn. It taught me that I just have to keep studying and studying. It taught me that If i this is something I really want I have to keep trying. I have to keep fighting to get what I want. And that’s what I did. I watched and review question videos on you tube, I constantly did the online practice test over and over again until I would get every question right. I studied my butt off. Then I went back to the DMV again and I passed. Currently I’m working towards preparing to take my lessons in March and get evaluated and so then I can get to the next step. TAKING MY ROAD TEST! I will definitely update you in the future about my driving journey.